After last week's challenge to practise sketching and "learning to look", we are switching to Science and the Living World this week. (Great attitude and effort last week, by the way...some very good sketches! Keep practising.)
This week, choose at least one
of the birds that we saw at Spencer Park and research it. Find out about
- what it looks like,
- breeding and nesting,
- food and habitat,
- how rare it is, and
- what threatens its survival.
You may choose from: harrier (kahu); little owl; black stilt (kaki); wrybill; pukeko; welcome swallow; black billed gull; red billed gull; black backed gull;…
or look at
Spelling words to learn...
pukeko, swallow, stilt, favourite, present, weren’t, chocolate,
field, probably, we’re
field, probably, we’re