- Count to 20 in Maori; then count in 2s (odd and even). Can you also count backwards?
- Count to 20 in French; then count in 2s (odd and even). Can you also count backwards?
- Name common classroom objects in French and in Maori
- Be able to ask "What is this?" in French and Maori
http://ouruhia5.wikispaces.com/French and http://hereoora.tki.org.nz/Reomations and http://kupu.maori.nz/kupu
Don't forget to keep those other weekly learning challenges going...
- aim for 10/10 with your Spelling Words to Learn
- practise maths facts daily...you should have cards made for about 10 of these ("hard ones")
Leave a comment to show how you are getting on.
Go hard!