Monday, 31 October 2016

Learning Languages...French & Maori

Here's a new challenge for this week...since we have been looking at counting and naming objects in the classroom in French and Maori, how about setting yourself a vocab target:

  • Count to 20 in Maori; then count in 2s (odd and even). Can you also count backwards?
  • Count to 20 in French; then count in 2s (odd and even). Can you also count backwards?
  • Name common classroom objects in French and in Maori
  • Be able to ask "What is this?" in French and Maori
 Use the vocab sheets  you have been given (...should be stuck in your Languages book), and also check out the activities on these links which can be accessed via our class wiki page... and and

Don't forget to keep those other weekly learning challenges going...

  • aim for 10/10 with your Spelling Words to Learn
  • practise maths facts should have cards made for about 10 of these ("hard ones")
 You can also practise your Maths facts with the "150 sheets",  Skoolbo and on our wiki Maths page

Leave a comment to show how you are getting on.

Go hard!