We have seen some amazing work over the past few weeks, with boundless creativity and great personal organisation. Have a look at these creations from Week 4:
This week, make sure you do plenty of extra fitness training...build up to running non-stop for 15-20 minutes by the end of the term. Some of you are even training for the WeetBix Triathlon. The Construction Challenge this week is to make something with wheels. Have a look at this video clip for inspiration...it doesn't have to be exactly like this, but the video shows a clever way of making wheels and axles...
How are your Tables Challenges going? Are you seeing progress from the beginning of the year? Make sure you use flash cards and the "150" sheets every day to get you over the line.
This week as part of our Home Learning challenges, we had a go at making something out of cardboard. We were inspired by a video about a 9 year old boy who made his own amusement arcade out of old boxes. (You can see it here.)
Look at what Mira, Lilly and Zoe made! What a creative group! They showed such a lot of thought, initiative, and time management to complete their projects...we are so impressed with their INDEPENDENT, THINKER, and CAN-DO qualities. Well done.
In Room 5 we have been doing lots of neat investigations and home learning challenges... We have been impressed by the number of children in Room 5 who have already shown a desire to learn, the ability to self-manage and meet deadlines, and the commitment to caring for our school. (We called this "kaitiakitanga", or guardianship.) Other home learning challenges include personal fitness, spelling and Maths basic facts.
Last week we looked at Waitangi Day, its history and some interesting facts.
This week we have been thinking about our flag, how it is made up, and what it might look like in the future. Happy learning!