Here are some home challenges for this week (9-12 November)...
- Play ukulele chords C, F & G, plus A7 and Dm in songs like "Dad I Want to be a Camel", and "She'll be Right"
- Maths sheet - Rotation; see also transformation game here
- Tables challenge...get 20/20 in under a minute for 4x, 8x & 9x
- Gardening…sow seeds, transplant seedlings, weed, water… keep record/ photos/diagrams in Science book
- 1km as fast as you can; How long can you do a plank or "invisible chair" for?
Spelling challenge…Word Wall list:achievement, definition, government, miniature, practically, severely
- Camp follow-up…finish planning your digital presentation. What key messages, information and feelings do you want to share? Can you find powerful images to match?